

Though I didn’t realize it, this blog has been in the making for a long time. Over the past decade, I’ve been mentally cataloguing concepts that shape the way I produce music. Many were born out of conversations with friends over coffee or during breaks in recording sessions. Working with incredibly talented people in the music community, I’ve seen common threads that run through the workflows of many great producers.

When it comes to making music I’m proud of, these approaches and processes are game-changers. And ever since they landed on me, I’ve found myself repeating them to others. It sometimes feels like an oral tradition from a culture with few written artifacts.

We music-makers face shared challenges, employ common solutions, and we’re all continually honing our craft.  We learn from our mistakes and continually seek to make better and more beautiful music. This is a space to record the methods but, more importantly, the ideas that have helped me and others on our music-making journey. I hope they are helpful to you too.

Cody Norris